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Before You Were Born

Ephesians 1:11 Before you were born, God gave us our destiny; that we would fulfil the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in His heart.

Say this everyday:

Before I was even born, God designed a destiny PERFECT FOR ME! He has plans for me, I am special, and what I believe changes the world. Today, I am partnering with my Father God to fulfil His plan and accomplish every purpose that is in His heart for my life. I have an exciting, fulfilling future. Father God is walking before me laying down the “tracks” that the “train” of my life will run on. I WILL fulfil every purpose in His heart for me, and in the process, will find total fulfillment.

A note from your father...

"My beloved child, before you were even born, I laid out your destiny; I wrote your destiny in my book. I have amazing plans for you. I have plans to prosper you, and NEVER to harm you, I have plans to bless you and lead you in a gloriously beautiful way. Trust me, get to know me, for my love for you is higher than the heavens and deeper than the seas. My power toward you is mightier than the strongest winds or the highest waves. I will fulfill my purpose in your life. I will cause beauty to come from ashes, I will turn your weeping into laughter. I love you so much, you are who I choose and I love that you’ve chosen me.
-Your Father

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